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RB Medical Supply Donates 463,500 Masks to Ohio Poll Workers for 2020 Election

08/21/2020  |   Posted By RB Medical Supply

On Tuesday, August 18th a press conference was held at RB Medical Supply's headquarters to announce the partnership between RB Medical Supply and the office of Secretary of State Frank LaRose. RB Medical Supply has donated 463,500 medical masks to Ohio's poll workers in preparation for the upcoming November 2020 election. 

"We're donating all of these masks to make sure all of these volunteers who are donating their time to the election are safe," Bloyd said, President of RB Medical Supply.

RB Medical Supply

The masks will be delivered to every county board of elections between August 28th and September 2nd. Learn more about how RB Medical Supply is aiding in the fight against coronavirus in this WKYC article

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